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Customization of vRealize Automation 6.2.x Email Notifications

User Experience ("UX") focuses on the intimate understanding of your users. What is it that they need or desire, what do they value, what are their abilities, as well as their limitations?

As you embark upon the journey to the software-defined data center (SDDC), think and architect in terms of the user experience in addition to "boxes and arrows."

  • What are the desired UX outcomes for those consuming the service(s)?

  • Have you considered the UX in terms of its usefulness, usability, desirability, accessibility, credibility, and its value?

In addition to fundamental tenant and business group designs, entitlements and service catalogue designs, one such area for UX consideration is the messages provided to those consuming services of the software-defined data center.

For a moment, imagine you are providing automated infrastructure delivery to multiple business segments of a large media and entertainment organization, each with their own distinct brand. The segments are built upon their individual brand and identity.

  • Do you centrally brand the service that you offer or do you tailor the service to each tenant business segment?

  • How would this change if instead the services were used to provide automated infrastructure delivery only to your IT Operations team and not direct end users?

On an Organization's Cultural DNA

Have you ever stopped to think about what makes working for your organization appealing?

Perhaps you have wondered why you feel that you are on a different frequency than the rest of the organization?

When Yahoo recently announced that Marissa Mayer would become the Chief Executive Officer there was a great deal of commentary - both speculation and excitement. One remark from Netscape co-founder Marc Anderson I found to be particularly insightful and compelling. Anderson stated that Yahoo had appointed a "product-centered CEO" in Mayer rather staying the course with an interim "sales-centric CEO."

Anderson's insight highlights the fundamentals of what an organization wants to be and the how its culture supports the philosophy. It's apparent in every industry that there are successful organizations with different or even unique philosophies and cultural structures. Take for example the "technology market' in which EMC is known for its sales culture; Google for its scientific engineering culture; Amazon for its supply-chain culture; HP and Xerox for their operational cultures; and of course, Apple for its design and marketing cultures. I have personally have customers in markets that have cultures defined by customer experience as well as healing ministries.

On Principles of Applications

As discussed previously, principles are high level statements of the fundamental values that guide business and technology decision-making and activities and are the foundation for architecture, standards, and policy development. Principles are stable enough to withstand technological and process changes but timely enough to maintain a clear relevancy with markets, policy, program, and management changes.

Principles consist of the principle statement, rationale, and implications. Though the wording for principles should remain consistent, the rational and implications will evolve over time, as an organization responds to factors such as the current IT environment, internal initiatives, external forces and markets, and changes in mission, vision, and strategic plan.

In my prior role as an Enterprise Architect, I used the following Principles for the foundation of the Enterprise Applications. Even with the changes in the industry since I last wrote these  - public, private and hybrid cloud computing, dev-ops, etc - these principles have been steadfast.

IT Governance and the Software-Defined Datacenter

As an organization matures in its journey towards IT-as-a-Service, it becomes increasingly apparent that this is unachievable without increased workload virtualization.

An organization must adapt its IT Governance and adopt a "virtualization first" policy for application workloads. Only then will they be on the path tp realize the full potential of the software-defined datacenter.

This governance process is one in which through which all workloads (net-new, or refreshed) will be deployed as or on virtual machines unless exempted through an virtualization candidate criteria or through an exception process with appropriate override authorization. Any workload, is subject to the governance process - for example, Mission Critical, Business Critical, Business Important or Supporting Function workloads.

On the Principals of Data Management

To be clear, this is not an article about technology. Rather, it is about the organizational, cultural and strategic factors that must be considered to improve the management of data, or information, within organisations.

There are two types of data: structured data and unstructured data.  Structured data refers to data that is kept and managed through database management systems.  Unstructured data refers to data refers to information that either does not have a pre-defined data model and/or does not fit well into relational tables. Unstructured information is typically text-heavy, but may contain data such as dates, numbers, and facts as well.

Effective information management is not simple, but this article draws together a number of ‘critical success factors’ for management of structured data for business transaction processing at or on behalf of an organization. These do not provide an exhaustive list, but do offer a series of principles that can be used to guide the planning and implementation of data management activities. While there is some overlap with business intelligence best practices, these principles do not universally apply to data kept for analytical processing in data warehouses.